EpiMimesis: Epizone [V] Shifting Identities
EpiZone [V] was inspired by research on the basic molecule of life, the RNA molecule (ribonucleic acid), from which, according to the RNA World hypothesis, the Great Web of Life originates. Today, RNA is a key tool in biotechnology and bioengineering, becoming a symbol of the achievements and challenges of the 21st century.
artistic project realised in the interactive immersive environment authored by Joanna Hoffmann together with the EpiLab Team.
XIIth Florence Biennale 2019, 18–27 October 2019, Fortezza da Basso, Florence – Italy.
Joanna Hoffman was invited, together with the EpiLab Team, as honored guest of the XIIth Florence Biennale, where she was awarded by golden medal of Magnus Laurentius Medices, Biennale Internazionale dell Arte Contemporanea, Cita de Firenza

The EpiMimesis Epizone V Shifting Identities project was developed in cooperation with 3IT Fraunhofer HHI in Berlin in the frame of VERTIGO STARTS EU program belonging to Horizon 2020, (R&D ICT Project: RIVAS, creating a bridge between real-time interactive visualization of artistic content on 180° ultra-high resolution panorama screens and VR environment.)

3IT Fraunhofer Heinrich Herts Institute: Innovation Center for Immersive Imaging Technologies Berlin, 3IT HFFI the Interactive Time Lab
UAP University of Arts in Poznan, Faculty of Animation – provides the technical infrastructur, expertise and technical advice, support of skilled staff.
Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences provides scientific data for artistic interpretation, especially data from bio-molecular structures analysis and simulations, from subcellular and intracellular structures analysis and monitoring cellular processes (confocal microscopy, fluorescent microscopy, flow cytometry, thermocycler LightCycler 480, xCELLigence system, CO2 incubators, laminar flow cabinet, HPLC).
International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw, Laboratory of Bioinformatics and Protein Engineering provides scientific data concerning RNA research for artistic interpretation; especially RNA sequence-structure-function relationships (in particular 3D modeling, dynamics, folding simulations: ModeRNA, SimRNAweb, CompaRNA, MODOMICS, RNA Bricks, SupeRNAlign, RNArchitecture, ClaRNA)
Foundation: Art & Science Synergy Foundation / Art & Science Node ASSF/ASN coordinates the artwork production process and its dissemintaion, as well as supports EpiLab Team with working conditions
The EpiMimesis Epizone V: Shifting Identities interactive and immersive narrative evolves in a virtual supercomputer environment, or a universe as a supercomputer, assuming consequently “all is data”, from quantum strings through to molecular and biological structures to the most complex eigen-dynamic of our entire coded world, during permanent interactions between all levels.
Essentially, EpiMimesis Epizone V, is an immersive multi-sensual & interactive journey through an imaginary labyrinth of our shifting identities powered by merging digi-tech and bio-tech revolutions. Inspired the inspired by research on the fundamental molecule of life, the RNA molecule, recognized as the beginning of the Big Web of Life as well as the key tool of bioengineering.
EpiMimesis Epizone V: Shifting Identities recalls processes of a passage: not only from basic molecules of life towards interactions of the most complex dynamic systems but also from our evolutionary and societal past towards new, unknown structures of our future reality/identity. This passage is driven by scientific and technological progress as well as environmental, social, political and economic factors.
How can I define and identify my own set of data and wisely guide it towards what I want to become, and not what I will have to be?
Is my inner Self already a nostalgic concept of the past?
The project refers to the perpetual human ambition to gain knowledge and power over ‘Big Data’ of the world for tailoring our better future. At the same time it raises questions about our abilities to fully understand and control dynamic complex systems of interacting data and/or wisely drive ourselves towards what we want to become.
Scientific Molecular inspiration: Labyrinth of Shifting Identities
Scientific Molecular inspiration: Labyrinth of Shifting Identities
Scientific Molecular inspiration: Labyrinth of Shifting Identities
The direct inspiration for EpiMimesis, Epizone V: Shifting Identities came from the research on the fundamental molecule of life – the RNA molecule from which, according to the RNA World hypothesis, the Big Web of Life evolved. Today RNA plays a key role in most cellular processes and the translation of the genetic information into proteins, thus it is considered a key tool of biotechnology and bioengineering.
While the chemical structure of RNA resembles DNA, it rarely forms long double-stranded helices but performs its unique biological roles due to the ability to form different spatial structures.
Thus RNA is not a static composition of “balls and sticks” but can be perceived as a dynamic labyrinth of all it’s possible structural conformations that it has to “pass through” to achieve its final form defining its identity and function.
However, some RNAs, called riboswitches, like a “molecular werewolf” are able to adopt not just one but two (or sometimes more) alternative structures, which can be completely different from each other, depending on environmental factors. This mechanism of the structural and functional variability of RNA can be considered as one of the primary mechanisms of variation of forms and functions of the living world.
The primordial variability encoded in the chemical structure of RNA is used as a conceptual platform for EpiMimesis: Shifting Identities.
- Is any identity then, in fact, just a momentary state of data?
- Or a transient “snap-shot” within a larger dynamical unfolding?
- Or a complex algorithm of a different assemblage of entangled data?
By manipulating a huge incommensurable amount of data, the interActor trans-forms molecular “states” and moves through different paths of the virtual labyrinth: whereby creating and exploring his own multiple illusive identities. Scientific data will be processed according to the artistic narrative and the interActor will be able to play/interact with different prepared simulations and data. The interactor acts as a catalyst for processes and, according to rules of mimesis, transforms his environment. Nonetheless, in a non-stable system, his actions can bring unexpected results.
Real scientific data will be provided by scientists from the IIMCB, IChB-PAN, and others, to achieve an immersive artistic experience through virtual image, touch and hearing of the processed data.
The message of Part A: identity accuracy is time and place dependent, is a momentary state of data that can be influenced/modified/changed/transformed/defined any time and in many ways at different places, within a complex environment.
The message of Part B: Are we able to fully understand and effectively control dynamic organic and non-organic systems? Are we ourselves one of many possible models of evolving master-system of elusive/open identity predefined by an ever-changing and interacting sets of data?
The scientific goal of the project
Drawing from the Bujnicki Lab, RNA (ribonucleic acid) is a unique chemical molecule that can function in living organisms in various different ways. It can be a messenger of genetic information, and it passes the information from DNA to proteins. In addition, many RNA molecules have been shown to catalyze chemical reactions in the cell. Further, RNA molecules perform a plethora of regulatory roles that are the key to the metabolism of the cells, for instance, they can turn on and off or regulate up and down processes carried out by other biological molecules. RNA molecules are master regulators of cells and are absolutely essential for life at the molecular level.
RNA is a linear polymer of nucleotide residues, A, C, G, and U, and it performs its unique biological roles thanks to the ability to form different spatial structures. It has been known that some RNAs, called riboswitches, can adopt not just one but two (or sometimes more) alternative structures, which can be completely different from each other. This ability allows them to act as “molecular switches” between different functional states. More recently, it has been found that such shape-shifting is a common feature of many RNA molecules, including naturally occurring sequences that fulfil biological roles, as well as completely random sequences synthesized chemically.
The main outcome of this project within the realm of chemical and biological sciences will be a completely new map of relationships between sequence, structure, and function for RNA molecules that takes into account the variability of forms, and in particular the shape-shifting nature of RNA. This map will be both general, thanks to a systematic study of random folded RNA sequences of different lengths, as well as populated with representative RNA molecules that exist in nature, as well as with newly designed molecules that have not existed in nature but can be designed based on e.g. artistic inspiration.
Read more about Science here
Education & Public Engagement
Sample exhibition plan:
EpizoneV has a carefully designed and innovative public engagement aspect which supports science, technology, art, engineering, mathematics (STEAM) education. This is achieved through an interdisciplinary approach to public engagement practices.
Engaging people of all ages in the working process and creativity of an art & science project.
The audience can engage with a responsive illusive hologram, designed to deepen the immersive narrative of the artistic interpretation of the RNA molecular labyrinth.
The cultural importance of the artistic project
The double helix of DNA, associated with stability, with continuity and determinism, become a cultural icon of the progress of civilization in the XX. century.
RNA, as the expression of instability, diversity, changeability and multiplicity of possibilities, can become an icon of achievements and transformations of the XXI century.
From this perspective, the proposed and pioneering artistic project will empower the general public with an understanding of scientific research and the societal and cultural significance of the research on RNA. In addition to its power and potentials.
By evoking the notion of mimesis as a creative method of combining art, science, and technology, the project strives to propose a new quality or orientation of mind, by stimulating imagination and reflection, brought about through our attempt not only to
follow and control in real time but even to anticipate the transformation of data, shaping our future.
EpiMimesis Epizone V: Shifting Identities project is supported by 4 producers.
XIIth Florence Biennale 2019, 18–27 October 2019, Fortezza da Basso, Florence – Italy.
Joanna Hoffman with the EpiLab team have been invited as honored guests of the XIIth Florence Biennale with the artistic project EpiMimesis, Epizone V, Shifting Identities and awarded by Magnus Laurentius Medices, Biennale Internazionale dell Arte Contemporanea, Cita de Firenza,
Art, Science, Society, Education, Technology
The EpiMimesis Epizone V: Shifting Identities interactive and immersive narrative evolves in a virtual supercomputer environment, or a universe as a supercomputer, assuming consequently “all is data”, from quantum strings through to molecular and biological structures to the most complex eigen-dynamic of our entire coded world, during permanent interactions between all levels.
Essentially, EpiMimesis Epizone V, is an immersive multi-sensual & interactive journey through an imaginary labyrinth of our shifting identities powered by merging digi-tech and bio-tech revolutions. Inspired the inspired by research on the fundamental molecule of life, the RNA molecule, recognized as the beginning of the Big Web of Life as well as the key tool of bioengineering.
EpiMimesis Epizone V: Shifting Identities recalls processes of a passage: not only from basic molecules of life towards interactions of the most complex dynamic systems but also from our evolutionary and societal past towards new, unknown structures of our future reality/identity. This passage is driven by scientific and technological progress as well as environmental, social, political and economic factors.
How can I define and identify my own set of data and wisely guide it towards what I want to become, and not what I will have to be?
Is my inner Self already a nostalgic concept of the past?
The project refers to the perpetual human ambition to gain knowledge and power over ‘Big Data’ of the world for tailoring our better future. At the same time it raises questions about our abilities to fully understand and control dynamic complex systems of interacting data and/or wisely drive ourselves towards what we want to become.
Scientific Molecular inspiration: Labyrinth of Shifting Identities
Scientific Molecular inspiration: Labyrinth of Shifting Identities
Scientific Molecular inspiration: Labyrinth of Shifting Identities
The direct inspiration for EpiMimesis, Epizone V: Shifting Identities came from the research on the fundamental molecule of life – the RNA molecule from which, according to the RNA World hypothesis, the Big Web of Life evolved. Today RNA plays a key role in most cellular processes and the translation of the genetic information into proteins, thus it is considered a key tool of biotechnology and bioengineering.
While the chemical structure of RNA resembles DNA, it rarely forms long double-stranded helices but performs its unique biological roles due to the ability to form different spatial structures.
Thus RNA is not a static composition of “balls and sticks” but can be perceived as a dynamic labyrinth of all it’s possible structural conformations that it has to “pass through” to achieve its final form defining its identity and function.
However, some RNAs, called riboswitches, like a “molecular werewolf” are able to adopt not just one but two (or sometimes more) alternative structures, which can be completely different from each other, depending on environmental factors. This mechanism of the structural and functional variability of RNA can be considered as one of the primary mechanisms of variation of forms and functions of the living world.
The primordial variability encoded in the chemical structure of RNA is used as a conceptual platform for EpiMimesis: Shifting Identities.
- Is any identity then, in fact, just a momentary state of data?
- Or a transient “snap-shot” within a larger dynamical unfolding?
- Or a complex algorithm of a different assemblage of entangled data?
By manipulating a huge incommensurable amount of data, the interActor trans-forms molecular “states” and moves through different paths of the virtual labyrinth: whereby creating and exploring his own multiple illusive identities. Scientific data will be processed according to the artistic narrative and the interActor will be able to play/interact with different prepared simulations and data. The interactor acts as a catalyst for processes and, according to rules of mimesis, transforms his environment. Nonetheless, in a non-stable system, his actions can bring unexpected results.
Real scientific data will be provided by scientists from the IIMCB, IChB-PAN, and others, to achieve an immersive artistic experience through virtual image, touch and hearing of the processed data.
The message of Part A: identity accuracy is time and place dependent, is a momentary state of data that can be influenced/modified/changed/transformed/defined any time and in many ways at different places, within a complex environment.
The message of Part B: Are we able to fully understand and effectively control dynamic organic and non-organic systems? Are we ourselves one of many possible models of evolving master-system of elusive/open identity predefined by an ever-changing and interacting sets of data?
The scientific goal of the project
Drawing from the Bujnicki Lab, RNA (ribonucleic acid) is a unique chemical molecule that can function in living organisms in various different ways. It can be a messenger of genetic information, and it passes the information from DNA to proteins. In addition, many RNA molecules have been shown to catalyze chemical reactions in the cell. Further, RNA molecules perform a plethora of regulatory roles that are the key to the metabolism of the cells, for instance, they can turn on and off or regulate up and down processes carried out by other biological molecules. RNA molecules are master regulators of cells and are absolutely essential for life at the molecular level.
RNA is a linear polymer of nucleotide residues, A, C, G, and U, and it performs its unique biological roles thanks to the ability to form different spatial structures. It has been known that some RNAs, called riboswitches, can adopt not just one but two (or sometimes more) alternative structures, which can be completely different from each other. This ability allows them to act as “molecular switches” between different functional states. More recently, it has been found that such shape-shifting is a common feature of many RNA molecules, including naturally occurring sequences that fulfil biological roles, as well as completely random sequences synthesized chemically.
The main outcome of this project within the realm of chemical and biological sciences will be a completely new map of relationships between sequence, structure, and function for RNA molecules that takes into account the variability of forms, and in particular the shape-shifting nature of RNA. This map will be both general, thanks to a systematic study of random folded RNA sequences of different lengths, as well as populated with representative RNA molecules that exist in nature, as well as with newly designed molecules that have not existed in nature but can be designed based on e.g. artistic inspiration.
Read more about Science here
Education & Public Engagement
Sample exhibition plan:
EpizoneV has a carefully designed and innovative public engagement aspect which supports science, technology, art, engineering, mathematics (STEAM) education. This is achieved through an interdisciplinary approach to public engagement practices.
Engaging people of all ages in the working process and creativity of an art & science project.
The audience can engage with a responsive illusive hologram, designed to deepen the immersive narrative of the artistic interpretation of the RNA molecular labyrinth.
The cultural importance of the artistic project
The double helix of DNA, associated with stability, with continuity and determinism, become a cultural icon of the progress of civilization in the XX. century.
RNA, as the expression of instability, diversity, changeability and multiplicity of possibilities, can become an icon of achievements and transformations of the XXI century.
From this perspective, the proposed and pioneering artistic project will empower the general public with an understanding of scientific research and the societal and cultural significance of the research on RNA. In addition to its power and potentials.
By evoking the notion of mimesis as a creative method of combining art, science, and technology, the project strives to propose a new quality or orientation of mind, by stimulating imagination and reflection, brought about through our attempt not only to
follow and control in real time but even to anticipate the transformation of data, shaping our future.
3IT HFFI the Interactive Time Lab
3IT Fraunhofer Heinrich Herts Institute: Innovation Center for Immersive Imaging Technologies Berlin
Starting out as the 3D Innovation Center in 2012 the scope was officially extended in September 2014. Now the whole field of immersive imaging technologies, including 3D technology, UHD, HDR, HFR and VR is covered.
Four strong and committed producers support the production of EpiMimesis Shifting Identities.
UAP University of Arts in Poznan, Faculty of Animation
UAP provides the technical infrastructure necessary for the production of the said artwork: provides professional equipment for image registration and processing, VR environment platform, relevant software, and computing power.
UAP provides expertise and technical advice, support of skilled staff.
Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences
Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, provides scientific data for artistic interpretation, especially data from bio-molecular structures analysis and simulations, from subcellular and intracellular structures analysis and monitoring cellular processes (confocal microscopy, fluorescent microscopy, flow cytometry, thermocycler LightCycler 480, xCELLigence system, CO2 incubators, laminar flow cabinet, HPLC).
Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, provides to the Artist and her team scientific & technological advice necessary for the production of the said Artwork; supports the Vertigo Art Residency in the scope of its expertise.
International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw, Laboratory of Bioinformatics and Protein Engineering
International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw, provides scientific data concerning RNA research for artistic interpretation; especially RNA sequence-structure-function relationships (in particular 3D modeling, dynamics, folding simulations: ModeRNA, SimRNAweb, CompaRNA, MODOMICS, RNA Bricks, SupeRNAlign, RNArchitecture, ClaRNA)
International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw, provides to the Artist and her team scientific & technological advice necessary for the production of the said Artwork; supports the Vertigo Art Residency in the scope of its expertise.
Foundation: Art & Science Synergy Foundation / Art & Science Node
ASSF/ASN coordinates the artwork production process related to the artwork EpiMimesis, Epizone V Shifting Identities.
ASSF/ASN provides the artist and her team a venue/ studio in Berlin.
ASSF/ASN provides the artist and her team artistic, scientific and technical advice supporting the production of the said artwork.
ASSF/ASN collaborates close together with all other producers which will be in charge of providing further support to artists in residence.