ASN is supported in its projects by the knowledge and experience of its members – artists and scientists. In return, we make every effort to support their activities. Therefore, below we are presenting their current activities, possible forms to explore their work and creativity, and news about their achievements.
The Institute of Horticulture – National Research Institute has been providing scientific support for the development of Polish horticulture for over 70 years. Innovative technological solutions, new varieties and principles of plant protection against pests and pathogens implemented in horticultural production solve important problems of modern agriculture. The research conducted reflects…

Art & Science Node (ASN)
Best Creative & Innovative Network – Poland
Best Non-Profit Scientific & Artistic Foundation – Poland
We, AI-Global Media, have been emailing you with news regarding the results of the Research and Development Awards 2022, hosted by Acquisition International.
We are pleased to be able to share the results following our panel’s final decisions, and are delighted to confirm that it’s great news!
Art Science Node has been awarded:
Best Creative & Innovative Network – Poland
Best Non-Profit Scientific & Artistic Foundation – Poland

An international exhibition in the frame of the Fascination of Plants Days 2022
An international exhibition of artistic works organized by Art & Science Node in cooperation with the Studio of Transdisycplinary Projects and Research FAECS of the University of Arts in Poznań and the Club for Science & Art at the Faculty of Biology Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland

Art & Science Node @ Bio-presence. Art in the Biotechnological World Conference
When: 5 November 2021
Where: Academy of Fine Arts, Gdańsk, Department of History and Theory of Art, AUDYTORIUM ASP Gdańsk
The conference Bio-presence. Art in the biotechnological world investigates the presence of various forms of life and its existence in the sphere of artistic practice, especially where it meets the spheres of science and technology. We are interested not only in the forms of such presence, but also in the processes of discovering and transposing them into the discourse of the arts and humanities.
Joanna Hoffmann, Chair of Art & Science Node will present the Networks of Rhizosphere and the Symposium will be also online streamed here
The eponymous presence also suggests changes in terms of distance: on the one hand, it implies proximity (in various dimensions) of that which is biological and its socialisation (depending on the form it takes); on the other hand, it implies remoteness and emancipation, because the bio-element “sets its own rules” and does not wish to be a party to the “business which cannot be turned to its advantage” (B. Latour). This attention paid by the arts and humanities to bio-agents/objects can be interpreted as a search for the relation which has been lost, neglected or rejected.
- Conference
Website and Program
Live Youtube Stream

Art & Science Node @ Flatform: History of a Tree
When: 4 to 6 November 2021
Where: Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts Poznan, Pawilon
Jonna Hoffmann, Chair of Art & Science Node is participating in the symposium and movie screening of Flatform: History of a Tree, organised by Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts Poznan, Pawilon.
- Symposium website:
- Flatform website: - History of a Tree website:
History of a tree is a project which won the 6th edition of the Italian Council, an Award by the Italian Ministery of Culture. The project has 2 versions: a single-channel film and a robotized videoinstallation. „History of a tree” is produced by the Museo Nazionale del Cinema in Turin and it’s supported by the Italian Council. History of a Tree is a portrait and the subject is both a living non-human organism and the territory that it has lived in for a long time. The work has the ambition of becoming part of the field of portraiture, a fundamental component of the course of the whole history of art, rewriting, however, the nature of the subject, the methods of development and the technique of expression of the portrait.
Flatform is a group of artists founded in 2006 and based in Milan and Berlin. The group works on video, video installations and mobile installations. Works by Flatform have been featured in several film festivals all over the world such as Cannes Film Festival, IFF Rotterdam, Nouveau Cinema Montreal, Venice Film Festival, Melbourne Film Festival and in many exhibitions in museums and institutions including, among others, the Wexner Center for the Arts, Columbus Ohio and the Centre Pompidou, Paris
organisers: Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts Poznan, Pawilon
curator: Marek S. Bochniarz

Art & Science Node @ Brighton Digital Festival 2021
29 October to 7 November

Brighton Digital Festival (BDF) is a platform that supports and encourages people across the city to experience and explore digital technology and culture. …
Brighton Digital Festival (BDF) is now a biennial programme directed by Lighthouse. This year’s edition will take place from 29 October to 7 November. Having taken a hiatus for 2020 to enable our transition, Brighton Digital Festival has developed a partnership with Hull’s Freedom Festival and the Frequency Festival of Lincoln to produce the Arts Council funded Digital Democracies programme.
ASN is proud to share with the public of Brighton Digital Festival our AR exhibition: Capture the Future(s): Our Bio-Tech Planet, The Routes to Roots Networks & Beyond.
The ART & SCIENCE NODE app constitutes the meeting ground between art and innovation in science and technology, providing a wide survey of artworks created by artists inspired by scientific research and collaborating with scientists in the field of life sciences and biotechnology. The AR environment enables viewers to experience 14 artworks anywhere they choose (the beach, a garden, the city centre or at home) and create their own juxtapositions and narratives.
The exhibition features: Andre Bartetzki (DE), Marta Bączyk (PL), Anna Dumitriu (UK), Alex May (UK), Marille Hahne (DE/CH), Joanna Hoffmann (PL/DE), Larys Lubowicki (PL), Pei-Ying Lin (TW/NL), Paulina Misiak (PL), Jill Scott (AU/CH), Piotr Słomczewski (PL), Maria Subczyńska (PL), Jadwiga Subczyńska (PL), Diana Taukin (BY/PL)
The App is available free on Google Play & App Store


Prof. Zofia Szweykowska-Kulińska was elected one of the 64 new members of EMBO.
We are happy to announce that Prof. Zofia Szweykowska-Kulińska – member of the Art & Science Node community, was elected one of the 64 new members of EMBO (European Molecular Biology Organization).
As EMBO Director Maria Leptin says – “An election to the EMBO Membership recognizes outstanding achievements in the life sciences. The new members will provide expertise and guidance that will help EMBO to further strengthen its initiatives.”
Image source:

Andre Bartetzki’s sound hammocks “Spaceship Earth” featured in 2nd edition of Mühlenbecker Klanglandschaften (Mühlenbecker Soudscape) Festival
The festival will run between June 12th until June 19th, 2021. During the whole time of the festival, Mühlenbeck church will host tow sound installations. One of them, presented outside, will be “Spaceship Earth” sound hammocks made by Andre Bartetzki. The vibrations that you will be able to experience with the hammocks are using seismic and earth magnetic field data.
WHERE: Mühlenbeck church (outside)
WHEN: 12-19 June 2021, open daily 14-18
Opening on 12.06 at 3pm (with the meeting with artist)
More information in German
Image source:

Networks of NATURE. Architecture with evolutionary SUCCESS
A lecture by an outstanding botanist and ecologist, Prof. dr hab. Marleny Lembicz, organized within the framework of the Rhizosphere: The Big Network of Small Worlds interdisciplinary project (in Polish).
Evolutionary success is not just about being “here and now”, but a way for continuation and perseverance of live. Plants have long discovered strategies to achieve this success. Examples include clonal plants and fungi that form rhizome-root-hyphae networks. Plant networks cover the environment above and below the earth’s surface, but also the interior of almost every plant. The lecture will focus on these networks – their structure, diversity and effectiveness measured over a million years… Where can you meet these extraordinary networks? All around us. It is a strawberry in our garden, a clover on the lawn, a horsetail in the field, a thistle in a meadow, a sedge on a beach, a fern and club moss in the forest and… many, many more.
WHERE: Zoom meeting
WHEN: 20 May 2021 at 18:00 (CET)
The lecture will be held in Polish
Image – poster by Piotr Słomczewski

The Unnatural, That Too is Natural: Artistic Explorations in Synthetic Biology
The UCLA Art|Sci Center presents a live lecture by the CHIC Artists-in-Residence artist Anna Dumitriu.
Anna will discuss her collaborative projects “Fermenting Futures” and “Biotechnology from the Blue Flower“, which focus on the potential of synthetic biology to offer solutions for existential issues such as climate change and food security. She will discuss the methodologies of yeast and plant biotechnology, and explore what influences how we define unnatural or natural. Finally, she will reflect on ‘Murphy’s 10th Law’ which is “Every solution breeds new problems” in the context of arguments against scientific progress.
See Anna Dumitriu’s website here
WHERE: Vimeo live lecture
WHEN: 12 May 2021 at 18:00 (CET)
More information here
Image – Chicory Plants grown from Protoplasts (source)

STEAM Relations Incubator – international projects implemented with the use of eTwinning tools
STEAM methodologies, based on a problematic approach that integrates knowledge and experience from various fields, are a determinant of education in the 21st century. Art and artistic education play a special role in them. During an online meeting, a presentation and discussion about international STEAM projects completed under the direction of Tomasz Ordza, awarded with the European Quality Label, will be held. We will present this year’s project entitled “Wild networking – WiFi of plants and fungi” implemented by schools in Poland, Portugal and Turkey, in cooperation with the Faculty of Biology of Adam Mickiewicz University and the Studio of Projects and Transdisciplinary Research WEAiK UAP as part of the Rhizosphere: The Big Network of Small Worlds program.
The meeting will be attended by: Tomasz Ordza (director of the Kazimierz Nowak School in Dąbrówka), Monika Regulska (Foundation for the Development of the Education System, National e-Twinning Office), Prof. dr hab. Marlena Lembicz (Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University), Piotr Słomczewski (WEAiK UAP). Conducted by: dr hab. Joanna Hoffmann-Dietrich, prof. UAP, ASN.
Event will be held in Polish
WHERE: Zoom online meeting
WHEN: 6 May 2021 at 18:00
More information here (in Polish)
Image – the meeting’s banner

The Routes to Roots Networks & Beyond online meetings
The meetings organized by ASN provide a discussion about the interdisciplinary project – Rhizosphere: The Big Network of Small Worlds. We will talk about the project’s origins, elements and ongoing development, that include both scientific and artistic research & exploration, while presenting a selection of the multimedia artistic projects inspired by or referring to the life-abundant, plant root zone. We are looking into the root systems and the communication of the rhizosphere actors in order to explore new ways towards democratization of resources, information and knowledge.
Events are part of the Vorspiel Programme of Transmediale & CTM 2021
WHERE: Zoom online meetings
WHEN: Meeting 01: 11 February 2021 at 18:00
Meeting 01: 12 February 2021 at 18:00
More information here
Image – The Routes to Roots Networks & Beyond

Adam Smith Seminar 2021
The Adam Smith Seminar is an interdisciplinary research seminar for the presentation of new work in economics, politics, and philosophy. The atmosphere is open and informal. Guests are cordially welcome. (Presentations will be in English or German language.)
The cycle held every Monday from February 1st will be begun with a talk by Peter Emerson (Borda Institute) on “Majority Voting as a Catalyst of Populism: preferential decision-making for an inclusive democracy”.
The seminar will be held online and hosted by the Institute for Applied Mechanism Design (IFAMD). More information here.
WHEN: each Monday from 1 February 2021, until April 2021, 17:00 – 18:30 Central European Time (CET).
Image – prof. Manfred Holler, ASN member, one of the Adam Smith Seminar organizers

Utopian-Thinking. Minisymposium
TUM and Macromedia University of Applied Sciences have collaborated in order to explore existing utopias in various disciplines and to develop methodologies that facilitate utopian thinking through arts & sciences co-creation processes, with the aim to enable scientists, artists, designers and the general public to engage actively in a transdisciplinary and participatory process, to develop positive, integrative and multifaceted visions
for a livable future and towards a respectful and rewarding interaction with other living beings, on
a global, regional and local level.
Students from TUM School of Life Sciences and from Macromedia University’s international Design Management programme will present the results of their winter semester projects.
WHEN: 15 January 2021, 16:00 – 19:00, Central European Time (CET). Held in English
Image & information from the event’s press materials

CHIC research at the European Science Week
The presentations run in the course of a zoom meeting will revolve around the topic of the use genetic edition for the good. The CHIC Project that will be presented aims to find out whether gene editing techniques can help to improve chicory in such a way that society will appreciate the crop. Artist Anna Dumitriu participating in the event will discuss her project with Alex May entitled “Biotechnology from the Blue Flower”.
WHEN: 10 November 2020, 18:00, Central European Time (CET). More info here.
Image fragment taken from

digitlZMir 6 – online edition 2020
ASN’s member – Andre Bartetzki was one of the artists invited to participate in the digitlZMig Festival 2020 for electroacoustic music and digital art. His work is titled “19/12” (UA 2020) cinéma pour l’oreille – radio pour l’œil.
The other participating artists: Irwin and Miller, Dariusz Mazurowski, Jaime Reis, Ostap Manulyak, Mehmet Can Özer.
WHERE: online
WHEN: the content is available from November 1, 2020
Image – Andre Bartetzki’s work “19/12”, taken from:

Zoom meeting devoted to the interdisciplinary project Rhizosphere: The Big Network of Small Worlds
The inaugural lecture will be given by prof. UAM Władysław Polcyn on the topic of “The underground life of trees – about the netted nature of plants and fungi“.
Note: the lecture will be held in Polish.
WHEN: Oct 21, 2020; 7 pm (Berlin tme)
The program is coordinated by the Studio of Transdisciplinary Projects and Research (head: Prof. Joanna Hoffmann-Dietrich, assistant: Piotr Słomczewski, MA) is being developed in cooperation with the Faculty of Biology of the Adam Mickiewicz University. This year it was expanded to include the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Adam Mickiewicz University and the Studio of Electroacoustic Music of the Music Academy (Lambda Ensemble) and the Faculty of Animation and Intermedia of the University of Arts (Dean Dr Daniel Koniusz and Dr Miłosz Margański).
Image taken from

Gloria Artis Medal for ASN Chair, prof. UAP, dr hab. Joanna Hoffmann
On October 8th, 2020 Joanna Hoffmann was awarded with the Medal for Merit to Culture – Gloria Artis (Zasłużony Kulturze – Gloria Artis) by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland, for her contributions to the Polish culture.
Photos in the upper line – Jadwiga Subczyńska

ISEA 2020 – The 26th International Symposium on Electronic Art – Why Sentience?
The 26th International Symposium on Electronic Art is taking place from October 13 to 18, 2020, in 100% online format. This year’s themes are: Why Sentience?; Animality; the Ecosophic World; Machinic Sense and Sensibility; Sentient Difference; Matter’s Mattering; the Politics of Sentience; and the Planetary.
Look for our members’ presence – Nina Czegledy, Jill Scott & Marille Hahne, and Clea T. Waite – @ ISEA 2020 – read more here
Photo: screenshot of ISEA2020 webpage (

Online launch of the virtual exhibition of SHIELDING: A sculptural installation by internationally renowned artist Anna Dumitriu, in collaboration with the domestic abuse charity RISE, and commissioned by the University of Brighton research project ART/DATA/HEALTH: data as creative material for health and well being.
WHEN: 09 October 2020 13:00 – 14:00 (UK time)
HOW TO BOOK: Book your free ticket via the Brighton Fringe Festival portal.

Dark Knowledge ans Licht holen – an essay by Von Jonathan Jeschke, Isabelle Bartram, Tina Heger, Sophie Lokatis und Klement Tockner
“Dark Knowledge and Licht holes” is an essay published in July 2020 in the Laborjournal. As the authors state, there is a gap between the rapidly growing amount of data and information we gather and the knowledge following it, as it remains comparatively moderate. This gap between potential and actual knowledge is called “Dark Knowledge”. The essay presents a reflection over some of the possible solutions. In German.
Photo: Unsplash/Uriel Soberanes; Montage: LJ