Symbiotic transformations
An exhibition of works by students of the Studio for Transdisciplinary Projects and Research, FAE&CS University of Arts in Poznan at the Gallery of the Club for Art & Science, Faculty of Biology Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań.
15 – 31.05.2024, opening on 15th of May, at 5 pm, Library of FB UAM
The exhibition refers to symbiotic networks of nature, especially the rhizosphere, which connect plant roots, fungi and microorganisms based on interdependence, diversity and cooperation.
Inspired by scientific knowledge and everyday observations, young artists immerse their imagination in processes and dimensions that go beyond the limits of our sensory abilities. They seek to sharpen our perception and challenge a single, human-centred perspective. They discover the ties that connect us with the surrounding world, showing its pluralism understood not as a multitude of perspectives on one reality, but as a multitude of entities registering numerous realities.
The motto of the Smart City exhibition – Fungi – combines the technological visions of a modern city with the intelligence of nature, whose network strategies have evolved over millions of years, ensuring optimal living conditions for all its participants. In the face of ecological and social crises, it is worth drawing on this wisdom and looking at our common future more holistically.
The exhibition is realised in the frame of the art-research-education project Rhizosphere. The Big Networks of Small Worlds and accompanies Fascination of Plants Day 2024 organised by EPSO European Plant Science Organisation
Curator: Joana Hoffmann, assistance: Mateusz Janik
Participants: Aleksander Bajorek, Pola Bober, Marcus Brorsson, Jagoda Goińska, Sandra Grewling, Maja Jankowiak, Alicja Jencz, Maciej Karkoszka, Maria Kasper, Kinga Kłeczek, Stanisław Korycki, Julia Mieloch, Urszula Niklas, Małgorzata Nowak, Zofia Nowak, Oliwia Nowicka, Diana Pawlaczyk, Zuzanna Sakowicz, Katarzyna Śniegocka, Maja Wojcieszak