28-29 JUNE 2021, from 5:30pm

Event of the “Capture the Future(s): OUR BIO-TECH PLANET. The Routes to Roots Networks and Beyond” virtual exhibition by Art & Science Node, presented at Europe Plant Biology Congress 2021.

A fascinating online, art & science panel discussion and cooking workshop.

Let’s eat CHICque. Gourmet Aftertastes” opens up the unique art, science and culinary potentials of alternative healthy ingredients in chicory (Cichorium intybus).

Join Art & Science Node Berlin in this workshop and discussion about the health benefits and sensory stimulations of this delicious plant’s roots and discover its molecular structure through the medium of interactive media art.

The workshop will feature the molecules of inulin and phenolics from the chicory roots. Here, world renowned artists – Jill Scott and Marille Hahne, World Pastry Champion Jordi Bordas, food producer – Sensus will collaborate to provide you with innovative forms of communication plus two astonishing pastry recipes that will not only stimulate your tastebuds, but give you a basic start for a future of healthier baking and consumption.

All speakers and presenters share a passion to explore how interdisciplinary ideas can promote the unique health benefits of chicory. The online discussion will bridge art & science with celebration of the culinary art, prepared especially for you to learn by doing. Such teamwork might redefine how we understand and use these new ingredients as well as change agricultural production and eating habits.

The workshop is part of Art & Science Synergy Program at Plant Biology Europe 2021 Congress and related to the CHIC Horizon 2020 EU Project and ASN CHIC Artists-in-Residence Program.

Chocolate « soufflé » © Jordi Bordas/Martí Sans

Check the detailed program of the event here.

The event took place over two evenings, on 28th and 29th of June. The first evening consisted of an international art & science discussions, films about inulin production, and a master cooking exercise with two fabulous inulin dessert recipes – Chocolate « soufflé » & Lemon Pie – invented by World Pastry Champion Jordi Bordas. During the second evening a discussion over the cooking process and desserts’ evaluation by the participants took place.
The two full recipes and a specially made, comprehensive video instructions by Jordi were be available during the workshops, together with the personal assistance of the workshop team.

See the presentation from DAY 1.

Check the presentation about the history of the chicory coffee by Jill Scott here.

Video instruction – Let’s eat CHICque. Gourmet Aftertastes – Chocolate « soufflé »

Check the Chocolate « soufflé » RECIPE HERE

Video instruction – Let’s eat CHICque. Gourmet Aftertastes – Lemon Pie

Check the Lemon Pie RECIPE HERE
See the workshop Day 1 (28.07.2021)
See the workshop Day 2 (29.07.2021)

The event was held on Zoom platform. During the first day of the event, the Introduction containing art & science talk and a movie about inulin production and CHIC A-I-R Project will be also live streamed on ASN Facebook page.

For the active participation, download the ingredients and equipment list here & here, and prepare everything beforehand.

Chocolate « soufflé » and Lemon Pie. © Jordi Bordas/Martí Sans


Matthew de Roode, the Innovation Manager at Sensus in the Netherlands will help you to explore the properties of inulin. Sensus is the producer of chicory root fibers that will provide high quality inulin from chicory roots to the workshop’s participants. Inulin is a highly versatile ingredient that not only acts as a sugar replacement and fiber enrichment, it has the same taste characteristic as sucrose and can be used as fat replacement in pastry preparations.

Jill Scott and Marille Hahne are German Swiss artists that cross art, ecology and neuroscience disciplines. For the past two years, they have been exploring the relation between sensory perception characteristics and biodiversity. In a new artwork called “Aftertaste” and a film entitled “Chicory Unpacked”, they explore the molecular structure of chicory in relation to models from the gustatory and olfactory system. This unique perspective comes from the Artists-in-Residence Program of CHIC Horizon 2020 Project. They will also describe how to make delicious chicory root cappuccinos.

Jordi Bordas is the winner of the Pastry World Cup in Lyon in 2011. In the past years Jordi has dedicated himself to researching and investigating new, functional ingredients for use in pastry, such as inulin. During the workshop, he will be joined by Adrianna Jaworska – Head of the R&D&i at Jordi Bordas Innovative Pastry Education. They will teach you to make two groundbreaking inulin-based recipes: Chocolate « soufflé » and Lemon Pie.

Art & Science Node: Joanna Hoffmann is an artist working in the field of multimedia installation, XR, video-animation. She is founder and Chair of Art & Science Node (ASN). They will organize the workshop and the immersive, virtual exhibition “Capture the Future(s): OUR BIO-TECH PLANET. The Routes to Roots Networks and Beyond” presented at the Plant Biology Europe Congress. ASN is a creative & innovative network aiming at and committed to the creation of the synergy between art, science and technology. Joanna will be joined by the ASN curator Karolina Wlazło-Malinowska.

Let’s eat CHICque Gallery Day 1

Let’s eat CHICque Gallery Day 2