EpiZone [NULL] at Transmediale

by Joanna Hoffmann & Andre Bartetzki (soundscape)

EpiLab Team

EpiZone [NULL] at Transmediale, Berlin, DE, Multimedia exhibition with VR, 3D projections, immersive soundscape and more(!)

Took place: 26.01.2019,  4-9 pm

EpiZone [NULL] at Transmediale an incredibly immersive digital experience, the exhibition invited the viewer to enter a poetic audio-visual environment, in which ephemeral traces of elementary particles, become scraps of personal memory, where virtual semi-biological network blurs the boundaries between micro and macro systems.

Between “internal” and “external” data processing, into the space { where ‘there are_noDreams; [and]Thought*_is _not born |yet|; }

The exhibition is related to the long-term project: EpiMimesis


‘What will the human race be at the moment of its extinction? A certain quantity of information about itself and the world…”Italo Calvino, (World Memory)



EpiZone[NULL] at Transmediale., Enter[NULL] refers to the transformation of our elusive identity within a dynamic environment of interactive data driven by the marriage of digi-tech and bio-tech revolutions.

The piece was inspired by traces of elementary particles observed in the Wilson condensation chamber. These particles derive from cosmic rays that carry information from distant corners of our universe. In contact with the atmosphere, they disintegrate into the rain of highly charged particles falling on our planet. Of course, they are too small for us to see. However, we can observe the traces of ionized gas molecules excited by energetically charged particles, fog-like streaks of small droplets that form a “cloud” that lasts for a few seconds. These traces make evoke feelings of irrelevance, ephemerality, failure of cognition. At the same time they remind us of the magnitude of the unknown to us, permanent interactions of the vastness of unknown types of data in our both “Big Data” and “Small Data” environments.

In Enter[NULL], these fleeting traces of micro-events, that connect us to the cosmic eternity, become scattered traces of personal and common memory looped in the virtual space “where ‘there are_noDreams; and_ Thought * _is _not born |yet| “.

The evolving narrative transforms the initially empty space with chaotically scattered traces of information, into a complex multidimensional semi-biological network, blurring the boundaries between micro and macro systems, between “internal” and “external” data processing, within the world where “all is data”.

Transmediale and CTM’s Vorspiel is a program of distributed partner events in the field of digital art, culture, experimental sound and music. Partner venues invited local and international audiences to a series of exhibition openings, performances, interventions, artist talks and special events across the city of Berlin during Transmediale 2019 Art & Science Node together with EpiLab Team presented EpiZone[NULL] by Joanna Hoffmann & Andre Bartetzki, curator: Juliette Harvey.



ASN Creates a platform for sharing knowledge, ideas, and experience between scientific and artistic milieus. Challenging and promoting interdisciplinary excellence in art and science. Part of the EpiZone[NULL] exhibition provided visitors with the opportunity to meet, get to know each other and exchange ideas. Visitors were also encouraged to imagine their own antiparticle, people from diverse backgrounds explored and generated new ideas and alternative perspectives in response.


‘Play: It is an an activity which proceeds within certain limits of time and space, in a visible order, according to rules freely accepted, and outside the sphere of necessity or material utility. The play-mood is one of rapture and enthusiasm, and is sacred or festive in accordance with the occasion.’ Johan Huizinga – Homo Ludens


Imagined antiparticles


Following on from the EpiZone[NULL] which invited the viewer to enter a poetic audio-visual environment, in which ephemeral traces of elementary particles, become scraps of personal memory, where virtual semi-biological network blurs the boundaries between micro and macro systems. The final part of the EpiZone[NULL] exhibition involved spontaneously co-creating a cloud chamber which quickly evolved into an epic basil comet extravaganza.



Private Viewings of EpiZone [NULL] 

During Transmediale and CTM’s Vorspiel and following on from the multimedia exhibition with VR, 3D projections etc on the 26.01.2019, ASN accommodated a number of private viewing appointments of EpiZone [NULL] at Transmediale.

Such as ASN member Dr. Morten Søndergaard with students from the Interactive Media Art/Aalborg University Copenhagen (DK). The group also contributed imagined antiparticles!