EpiMimesis: towards a new Holoworld
EpiMimesis is a long-term art project inspired by the latest research on the origin of life (RNA World hypothesis) and its evolution. It considers the implications of the modern “All is Data” paradigm, pointing to the shift from the algorithms of the biological evolutionary past toward the unknown horizons of the technological future.
The prefix epi (originated in the Greek prefix epi- (ἐπι- “over, outside of, around”). It refers to the influence of the environment (both physical and digital) on an individual ‘set of data’ (such as mySelf) and on evolutionary processes.
The term mimesis (from the Greek term mimeisthai, “imitate”) indicates an imitative representation of the sensual world (nature). Developed by Plato and Aristotle, the term mimesis suggests a creative interpretation or modeling of nature. Looking not only for that what “is” or “was”, but what is likely or possible.
Is All Data?
If we are a set of data, which is never independent, or free, and always in interaction with other data or between sets of data?
Between all other environmental parameters, how will our unique set of data change?
How will the data transform?
How will it be identified in a different environment, with different operators? What are we here & now? What can we be now & there?Challenging the latest imaging technologies and interaction, the interdisciplinary artwork combines real scientific data and expertise. In the area of biochemistry, microbiology, biotechnology and the humanities with artistic strategies and visions. Essentially exploring our shifting of identities on biological, personal and social levels. Within the ever-changing environmental data powered by merging bio-tech and digital-tech revolutions.
The immersive and interactive narrative of EpiMimesis evolves in the supercomputer environment or a universe as a supercomputer. Assuming consequently – all is data.
The interActor acts as a catalyst of processes. They are carried by the virtual system, through various levels of the organization of matter from the entanglement of elementary particles through geometries of molecular structures and the cellular network to the most complex eigen-dynamics of our all complexity of our encoded world, with continuous data communication at all levels. However, in a unstable system, the results can attend to unexpected outcomes if all data, sets of data are not entirely and well controlled.

The structure of EpiMimesis is divided into several parts named ‘EpiZones’, referring to various levels of organisation of matter and research areas.

EPIZONE [V] awarded the gold medal “Magnus Laurentius Medices””Magnus Laurentius Medices” of the Biennale Internazionale Dell’Arte Contemporanea, Citta Di’ Firenze (2019) |
In 2018, the Project: EpiMimesis Epizone [V] Shifting Identities was granted the status of VERTIGO STARTS Residency under the European program Horizon 2020 |
EpiZone [NULL] invites the viewer to enter a poetic audio-visual environment, in which ephemeral traces of elementary particles, become scraps of personal memory, where virtual semi-biological network blurs the boundaries between micro and macro systems