Capture the Future(s) is both the ASN’s motto and a series of events focused on various aspects of evolution, that influences not only biological sciences, but the changing perception of ourselves and our relationship to the natural, social and technological environments.

Capture the Future(s) project was initiated by the necessity to provide a platform for knowledge and experience exchange on the topic of how we shape today and the future realities. The new landscape of dynamic, post-digital reality raises questions regarding the coordinates of modern human identity. Is the elusive border of human and nonhuman a potential beginning of the brave new world? How can we navigate the fast-evolving future, while constantly redefining ourselves? Art and science together might provide potential directions.
Evolution is most often associated with complex biological processes that cause changes in the characteristics of entire groups of organisms following the course of generations. The result is the formation of biodiversity at all levels of biological organization, including species.
The research on various aspects of evolution significantly affects not only the biological sciences but also other fields, i.e. anthropology, psychology, artificial intelligence research, IT and more. It changes the perception of ourselves as a set of data, and our relation to the natural, social and technological environment. In the age of growing Big Data and dark knowledge, of the multiplicity and richness of new scientific discoveries and philosophical concepts, what can we say about the nature of human uniqueness and the future of humanity as the global population is growing dramatically?
Joanna Hoffmann
ASN Chair

The ASN inauguration event organized in the beginning of 2015. An exhibition comprising selected artwork and event “BIO·FICTION @ Berlin” – screening of ASN selection of short films from the second BIO·FICTION Science Art & Film Festival. Capture the Future(s): Opening was organized as an inauguration act of the Art Science Node initiative. The event comprised also the ASN Forum, led by the ASN Chair Joanna Hoffmann. It gathered organization’s founding members and special guests.

A forum comprising a science-art film program, an exhibition exploring various science-art themes and scientific debates and discussions organized at the opening and closing days. ASN organized the event along with the Club for Science & Art in Poznań. The exhibition and film series were organized at the Small Aula and Science & Art Art Gallery in the Collegium Biologicum of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Attendees had the opportunity to engage with scientific debates and discussions, and explore the topic of evolution in the context of its artistic interpretations.

Event completed within Transmediale Art & Ditigal Culture 2017 Festival. It comprised “Elusive Identity” exhibition combined with a panel discussion and workshop, and was hosted at the German Patent and Trademark Office – Information & Service Center Berlin. The new landscape of dynamic, post-digital reality raises questions regarding the coordinates of modern human identity. Is the elusive border of human and nonhuman a potential beginning of the new world? How can we navigate the fast-evolving future, while constantly redefining ourselves?
Exhibition to be presented by ASN at the World Bio Markets Congress, Amsterdam

World Bio Markets is an annual congress of key-players in the field of bio economy. It is the largest meeting of delegates from research institutions, companies, start-ups, universities, organizations, industries in Europe. The next World Bio Markets will take place at the Passenger Terminal, Amsterdam, from March 29-31, 2021. The goal of World Bio Markets is to connect the bio-industry value chain, from lab to market, and driving change through commercially viable and sustainable innovation.

ASN brings the world of art and the world of innovation: universities, research institutes, and industries together, providing an extraordinary perspective to the bio-economy key-players and stakeholders through the means of an art exhibition: it bridges two interdisciplinary ASSET projects: CHIC INNOVATIVE CONSORTIUM & RHIZOSPHERE providing survey of artworks created by international artists in collaboration with scientists in the field of life sciences and biotechnology.