ASN @ ARS ELECTRONICA FESTIVAL- A New Digital Deal, SEP 8-11, 2021
ASN contributed to two Ars Electronica Gardens: Leonardo Garden: Laser Zürich and Hong Kong Garden, during Ars Electronica Festival 2021. Especially, Joanna Hoffmann was invited to Hong Kong Garden as an artist and a speaker.
Ars Electronica is a cultural, educational and scientific institute active in the field of new media art. This year, Ars Electronica Festival for Art, Technology and Society run under the theme “A New Digital Deal”. Ars Electronica Gardens program, a part of Ars Electronica Festival, collaborates with partner institutions at more than 80 locations around the globe to implement exhibitions, concerts, talks, conferences and workshops worldwide.
ASN @ LEONARDO GARDENS: LASER ZÜRICH – [Anti]disciplinary Topographies
ASN co-hosted an art & science event at Ars Electronica Festival 2021/Leonardo Garden: Laser Zürich. Jill Scott (Laser Zurich & ASN) with Joanna Hoffmann (ASN) moderated the event that links art and science in the field of biotech.
This LASER ZÜRICH event constitutes an immersive presentation by six researchers in four parts. They focus on how and why the production of our food will change in the future to incorporate the concepts of wild plants, cultivated plants and in-vitro plants. This event is related to the Art Science Node Artists in Residence Program in CHIC: a 2020 EU Horizon project. It featured presentations by artistic and scientific researchers (three talks, a film, an AR exhibition, and a discussion).
The participants include:
•Jill Scott, Laser Zurich/artist in residence at ASN (moderator) •Joanna Hoffman, Art & Science Node (moderator)
•Marille Hahne, artist in residence at ASN
•Katja Cankar, Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands
•Ingrid van der Meer, Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands
•Suvi Hakkinen, VTT, Finland
Leonardo LASER Garden gathers a global network of artists, scientists, humanists and technologists together in a series of hybrid formats addressing the world’s most pressing issues. Animated by the theme of a “new digital deal” and grounded in the UN Sustainability Goals, Leonardo LASER Garden cultivates our values of equity and inclusion by elevating underrepresented voices in a wide-ranging exploration of global challenges, digital communities and placemaking, space, networks and systems, the digital divide – and the impact of interdisciplinary art, science and technology discourse and collaboration.
LASER Zürich (CH) is hosted by ZHdK and chaired by Jill Scott, featuring talks by renowned artists, scientists and hybrids. LASER Zurich is organized in partnership with Life Science Zurich from the University of Zurich, the ETH Zurich, Artists in Labs Program at the University of the Arts, ZHdK and the World Wildlife Fund Volunteers.
Joanna Hoffmann/ASN was invited to Hong Kong Garden, where she enriched the penal discussion with her insights on the innovative presentation of media artworks in digital age. She was also invited to exhibit her artwork RhiZone: [ PapiLLa ], an immersive installation combining Virtual Reality technologies with a sensory environment.
Garden Hong Kong was hosted by School of Creative Media and City University of Hong Kong. The Garden was initiated and produced by The Neuro Design Lab/ACIM, Maurice Benayoun & Lisa Park SoYoung, and sponsored by Focal-Naim & Osage Art Foundation. During Hong Kong Ars Electronica Garden 2021 — Artificial Intentionalities: Post-human humanities in the age of the art-subject, Joanna Hoffmann/ASN was invited to an online exhibition “Art in the Cloud” and a panel discussion on “redefining art presentation in the digital era“. Art in the Cloud is curatorial research that explores how the sudden growth of online art spaces contributes to the transformation of the presentation of media artworks.